Friday, October 5, 2012

A return to Genoa

This is the same harbor in Genoa from which my grandmother embarked 92 years ago. She used to tell us stories about how her mother died when she was young, how her father's new wife wasn't too happy about marrying into a family with seven children and how she had to leave home and live with another family when she was quite young and work as their servant. It was emotional for me to see the spot where she began her journey to the U.S. where she would have a much more comfortable, even prosperous life, but that she would never see her father again. She helped instill in me a curiosity about our Italian roots and there's a satisfying feeling of completing a circle, coming back here today.

1 comment:

  1. Many of our grandparents left family for the hope of a better life here. My Norwegian grandfather did the same.
